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FrEE and Premium LEED Exams
If you are taking the LEED GA exam, you will realize that some of the questions may have multiple answers. We have factored this consideration into our exam engine which allows multiple selections, and you will find this free-to-try exam very close to the actual LEED GA exam.
LEED GA Volume 2 (100 Questions) will test your knowledge of the LEED application process, project site factors, water management, project systems and energy impacts, acquisition, installation and management of project materials, stakeholder involvement in innovation, project surroundings and public outreach and more.
LEED BD+C Volume 2 (100 Questions). Starting Dec 2011, GBCI has developed questions for the BD+C exam from the 2nd edition of the Green Building and LEED Core Concepts Guide. We have factored this into our LEED BC+C Volume 2, which tests you on sustainable sites, water efficiency, energy and atmosphere, materials and resources and more.
This set of 100 essential questions and answers for LEED BD+C will test you on the fundamental points for the exam, split by the various module. Unlike the exam simulator, this is a set of revision questions (with answers).