Unit 3: Chinese (Mandarin) Speaking
- 30% of the marks
- 60 marks
Students will complete two controlled assessment tasks. These tasks are untiered. Differentiation is by outcome, not by task. These may be drawn from the exemplar tasks we provide or they may be adapted by teachers for their students. Teachers may also devise their own tasks.
Both tasks will be in the form of a dialogue. The tasks will be marked by the teacher and submitted to AQA for moderation. The work of individual students may be informed by working with others but they must provide an individual response. Where model answers are published, students must not reproduce any sections of continuous prose provided in such answers. Whilst students may use individual sentences from model answers, they must not reproduce several consecutive sentences from such answers in their own response. A student's response must not be identical to that of another student in the centre or to any published model answer. Students must not submit the same task for Speaking and Writing.