Terminology to know
Key Terms:
Thoughts to keep:
Energy usage in commercial buildings (in 2008, EPA):
Green Building Performance
- Hard costs
- Integrated design team
- Life cycle assessment
- Life cycle costs
- Soft costs
- Sustainability
Thoughts to keep:
- Conventional buildings account for:
- 14% - potable water consumption
- 30% - waste output
- 38% - carbon dioxide emissions
- 39% - energy use
- 40% - raw material use
- 72% - electrical consumption
Energy usage in commercial buildings (in 2008, EPA):
- 1% - office equipment
- 3% - personal computers
- 3% - cooking
- 6% - refrigeration
- 7% - ventilation
- 7% - cooling
- 8% - water heating
- 9% - others
- 20% - lighting
- 38% - space heating
Green Building Performance
- 13% - lower maintenance costs
- 26% - less energy usage
- 27% - higher levels of occupant satisfaction
- 33% - lower carbon dioxide emissions