Unit 4: Chinese (Mandarin) Writing
- 30% of the marks
- 60 marks
Students will complete two controlled assessment tasks. These tasks are untiered. Differentiation is by outcome, not by task. These may be drawn from the exemplar tasks we provide or they may be adapted by teachers for their students. Teachers may also devise their own tasks.
The tasks will be marked by AQA. Students must complete all work independently. Students must have access to dictionaries while writing up their final version under supervision.
Assessment Criteria
Range of Language
- The mark awarded for Range of Language must not be more than one band higher than the mark awarded for Content. (See table below).
- The mark awarded for Accuracy must not be more than one band higher than the mark awarded for Content. (See table below).
- If a mark is awarded for Content, this will inevitably lead to the award of a mark for Range of Language and for Accuracy.
- If a mark of zero is awarded for Content, this will automatically result in a zero score for Range of Language and for Accuracy.