CMFAS BCP, HI and FMRP is now available100Questions Exam Portal is pleased to announce that we have just added 3 new CMFAS exam volumes into our CMFAS collection. They are the BCP, HI and FMRP exams.
Remember, if you are preparing for several exams, you would be able to make a bundle purchase at a very attractive discounted price. Announcing CMFAS Exam Bundle![]() It has come to our attention that there are repeated visitors who would buy several individual CMFAS exam volumes. For such visitors, we would like to offer a CMFAS bundle so that these customers would be able to enjoy a discount (15% or more) if they purchase any 4 CMFAS exam volumes. We hope that this savings will encourage those who are preparing for CMFAS to make a one-time purchase and thus enjoy the savings. CMFAS M1B Exam Volume 1 published![]() Please meet our latest kid on the block, the CMFAS M1B exam volume, focusing on Rules and Regulations for Dealing in Securities (Non-SGX) has been updated in line with recent changes to the rules and regulations. Candidates taking the exam from 10 June 2013 onwards will find this exam relevant. Covers regulatory requirements, money laundering. |
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