100Questions Exam Statistics
You might be curious as to how difficult our exams really are - and hence, we have performed some exam analytics (only for some of the exams at this point in time), and we are pleased to showcase to you the average mean score for the exams.
We usually advocate a passing mark of 70% to ensure a high level of confidence in the actual exam. This is especially so for the more difficult exams like PMP. Hence this gives you a good gauge of each exam's difficulty level.
Do note as well that the mean scores for the Free Exams generally trend higher, as there are many "repeat students" i.e. students that try several times until they obtain the perfect score - a testament to the saying "Practice Makes Perfect!"
We usually advocate a passing mark of 70% to ensure a high level of confidence in the actual exam. This is especially so for the more difficult exams like PMP. Hence this gives you a good gauge of each exam's difficulty level.
Do note as well that the mean scores for the Free Exams generally trend higher, as there are many "repeat students" i.e. students that try several times until they obtain the perfect score - a testament to the saying "Practice Makes Perfect!"