We have improved our Exam Store. Discounts and Vouchers now possible.

We are not joking when we say that we are constantly trying to improve our 100Questions exam portal, not only adding more quality exam content to the portal, but also improving the overall customer engagement and experience.
Our latest revamp to our Exam Store is an important one, as we have upgraded the store to a Secured Shopping Cart, that allows multiple product purchases. Our shopping cart also allows bulk discounts and accepts vouchers, hence facilitating future marketing campaigns.
We hope that this increases our visitors' experience and as usual, if you feel that there are areas for improvement, do not hesitate to write to us.
Our latest revamp to our Exam Store is an important one, as we have upgraded the store to a Secured Shopping Cart, that allows multiple product purchases. Our shopping cart also allows bulk discounts and accepts vouchers, hence facilitating future marketing campaigns.
We hope that this increases our visitors' experience and as usual, if you feel that there are areas for improvement, do not hesitate to write to us.